What is the difference between footnote and endnote
What is the difference between footnote and endnote

what is the difference between footnote and endnote

Grammar/punctuation/word nerds love a good debate. 1 (Coen 2010) Literally everyone was disgusted that cheesecake - the clearest combination of both - won the day. In my favorite example, Jezebel famously pitted cake against pie. But Americans love a bracket showdown, so over the years, March has become the month for all kinds of debates about which thing is best out of two related categories.

what is the difference between footnote and endnote

Originally, “March Madness” was a term for ::checks notes:: the U.S. It’s March, and if you live in the United States, you know that means only one thing: it’s time for March Madness.

What is the difference between footnote and endnote